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There was a Henrich Spor or (Henry Spor), arriving in Pennsylvania, USA on the ship "Boston" ,November 10, 1764 from Rotterdam. It Is spelled Spohr in the church directory in Virginia, USA, so we don't know which is correct. I would imagine that the person who was in charge of writing the names down wrote them as he heard them  which might not be correct. ... This information was taken from the Strassburger collection of records. Please me know.
PS: Henry lived in a place called Strasburg, Virginia and there is a place in Germany, now a part of France by the same name.
It is told, that he was a revolutionary soldier.


-         Name: Henry oder Henrich Spor oder Spohr

-         Religion höchstwahrscheinlich: evangelisch

-          Auswanderung in die USA: 1763-64
 Informationsquelle: „Strassburger collection of records“

-          Überfahrt mit dem Schiff „Boston“

-         Abgesegelt von: Rotterdam 10. November 1764

-        Es ist überliefert, dass er ein revolutionärer Soldat war.

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